
Self-defense is not to be used when you can walk or run away or verbally defend yourself.  Self-defense is to be used in the event of an attempted assault and/or if your life is threatened.  A self-defense course can empower you with a techniques and ideas to interrupt an assault long enough to escape.

During training students develop “mental blueprints” as simulated attacks are presented.  Other techniques are incorporated into training such as learning warning signs, de-escalation and redirection as well as pressure point maneuvers.  The theory taught is “stun and run”, physically teaching females effectively how to use their hands/palms, arms, forearms and elbows at close quarters aiming for the head, as well as using their knees and feet to the legs, feet and body of an assailant.  All methods are simple and based on applied consistency, automatic memorization.  Taking a class of Personal Safety training or a self-defense course does not make you an expert.  You must practice daily, educate yourself, commit to yourself and to your safety.  You must learn the red flags/warning signs—understand Power and Control, BE AWARE and PROACTIVE.

An assailant expects a female to try to run away, cower, beg, plead and/or cry.  When she steps into the storm, it messes him up as he isn’t use to this reaction.  There are many things that a female can learn to do to protect and defend herself.

Learning self-defense not only helps to prevent attacks/assaults but also builds self-esteem.  Individuals learn to determine their personal, physical and emotional boundaries.

Training is offered to females only starting at age 5.

No pass or fail; just a commitment to yourself and empowerment.

There are no guarantee’s in any personal safety/self-defense training course.  However, it’s better to do something rather than nothing.  Knowledge is a powerful tool.

Training Options

Level I

Level II

Refresher Classes

Please click on the drop down to view testimonials, photos and video footage.

Training, lectures, seminars,

presentations and demonstrations are offered to all females.

Wherever there are females……we travel.

(throughout the United States)

Copyright © 2005-2013 Jacoby & Associates